You can reach Pete across most social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.
I am available for a wide variety of bookings and events. I do numerous corporate shows, and hosting of events. Feel free to enquire!
Also, if you are a fan and want me to play your hometown, and you are a hard worker who is passionate about promoting and want to work with me on setting up a show, contact me. I can provide you with whats needed to put on a successful event, and we can work together to make it happen. Just email me, to see if its doable!
For UK Club Bookings please contact: Brett Vincent | GetComedy
020 3674 8992 | GetComedy Ltd., United House, North Road, London, N7 9DP
For CANADA and US BOOKINGS shoot me an email!
If you want to hear from Pete about news, gigs and life then you should sign up for his mailing list!
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